Looking Up
A worms eye view looking up towards the treetops, green leaves and sky

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Looking up to the sky through tall trees, this painting takes a worm's eye view and gives a new perspective challenge. Working on this, I felt quite dizzy, but love the effect! The mixture of brushwork for the sky and leaves, with knife work on the tree trunks gives a lovely range of textures.

This was painted some time ago in Spain and has just been brought to my UK studio.

Ref: 1805

A worms eye view looking up towards the treetops, green leaves and sky

Looking up to the sky through tall trees, this painting takes a worm's eye view and gives a new perspective challenge. Working on this, I felt quite dizzy, but love the effect! The mixture of brushwork for the sky and leaves, with knife work on the tree trunks gives a lovely range of textures.

This was painted some time ago in Spain and has just been brought to my UK studio.

Ref: 1805